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2024-05-02 19:18:35综合






  1. I had _____ unusual experience on Sunday.

  A. a B.an C.the D./

  2. Tom will visit our farm_____ two weeks.

  A.in B.after C.during D.on

  3. I had a hard time with science, so I wasn‘t ___ to receive a disappointing result from my science teacher.

  A. surprised B. boring C.relaxed D.unhappy

  4. We will visit the Summer Palace if it _____ tomorrow.

  A. will rain B.rains C. won’t rain D. doesn‘t rain

  5. Though Mike meets great trouble in English, I believe he can ____ it ____ because he is always hard-working.

  A. turn; over B. get; over C. take; over D. look; over

  6. - Would you mind closing the window? It’s very cold outside.

  -- ______. I‘ll do it right away.

  A. Yes, I would B. No. thanks C. Of course not. D. Of course.

  7. _____ you are in trouble, you can call me, even at night.

  A. Wherever B. Whoever C. Whatever D. Whenever


  1. Nothing in the world is i______ if you make up your mind to do it.

  2. How long have you been C _____ stamps?

  3. I love Italy, e______ its summer.

  4. Lisa made great p_____ with the teachers’ help.

  5. Many f_____ tourist will come to watch the Olympics in August, 2008.



  1.B 解析:本题没有特指,应该用不定代词,加上unusual是以元音开头,应该用an.

  2. A 解析:in +一段时间,时态用一般将来时。

  3. A 解析:由于我在学习科学的过程中一直都比较不容易,所以在拿到一个令人失望的结果是并不惊讶。

  4. D 解析:条件状语从句,主将从现,(主句用一般将来时,从句中用一般现在时)

  5. B 解析:get over有克服困难的意思。Turn over翻转,take over有接管的意思,look over有仔细检查的.意思。

  6. C 解析:本题属于习惯用法的考查。

  7. D 解析:whenever无论何时,从最后的even at night可以得出答案。


  1. impossible 解析:impossible不可能的,

  2.collecting 解析:本题难再时态,前面有been不是进行时就是被动态,本题用不需要用被动态,应该用进行时。

  3. especially 解析:especially尤其是

  4.progress 解析:make progress取得进步。

  5. foreign 解析:foreign外国的



  1. - ________ did you have the party last night?

  - In the park.

  A. What B. Why C. When D. Where

  2.________ is watching TV. Let‘s turn it off.

  A. Somebody B. Anybody C. Nobody D. Everybody

  3. I’d like to go shopping with you,________I‘m too busy today.

  A. but B. and C. so D. or

  4. The children will climb the hill if it ________tomorrow.

  A. won’t rain B. didn‘t rain C. doesn’t rain D. isn‘t raining

  5. I had a bad cold. The doctor asked me________ in bed.

  A. staying B. to stay C. stayed D. stays

  6. - Where’s your father, Mike?

  - He ________ in the kitchen.

  A. cooks B. cooked C. is cooking D. has cooked

  7. Here‘s my little cat. Please________it while I’m away.

  A. look after B. look up C. look for D. look at

  8. - Do you know ________the MP3 player last week?

  - Sorry, I have no idea.

  A. how much did she pay for B. how much will she pay for

  C. how much she paid for D. how much she will pay for

  9. - Would you like to see the film with me?

  - I‘m sorry I ________it twice.

  A. see B. will see C. have seen D. am seeing

  10. Today Chinese ________by more and more people around the world.

  A. was spoken B. is spoken C. spoke D. speak


  The History of Chocolate

  The first chocolate was eaten by people in South America hundreds of years ago. In those days the people did not really eat chocolate. They used cocoa bean to make a chocolate drink and they enjoyed it very much. Many years later, the cocoa bean was brought to other countries and people came to love the taste of chocolate.

  In 1824, John Cadbury opened a small shop in Britain. One of the things he sold was chocolate drink. In 1831, he opened a factory to make chocolate drink. He wanted to encourage people to drink chocolate instead of other drinks. A few years later, a man called Joseph Fry found a way to make chocolate bars, and so for the first time people had the chance to eat chocolate instead of only drinking it. But at that time chocolate was very expensive and only the rich people could buy it. Later, as more and more chocolate bars were produced and sold, it become cheaper.

  However, at first only plain chocolate(a kind of chocolate without milk and with very little sugar) was roduced. Milk chocolate came later an this was made by adding milk to the chocolate. The first milk chocolate bar was made in Cadbury’s factory in 1897. Their most famous chocolate, Cadbury‘s Milk Bar, was made in 905. It has been the most popular chocolate in Britain and around the world for over 100 years. The Cadbury is still in Britain and the chocolate produced there is eaten all over the world. Every year, thousands of isitors visit the factory in order to see how chocolate is made.

  1. When did people first begin to drink chocolate?


  2. Why did John Cadbury open a factory?


  3. Who invented the way to make the chocolate bar?


  4. At first, not many people bought chocolate. Why?


  5. How was the milk chocolate made?









  5.ask sb to do 要求某人做某事


  7.当我不在家的时候,帮我照顾猫,look after 照顾

  8.last week 是一般过去时 要用宾语从句的'陈述句语序

  9.twice 2次 是完成时的标志次

  10.汉语 不可数 得是被说


  1. Hundreds of years ago.

  2. To make chocolate drink.

  3. Joseph Fry.

  4. Because it was very expensive.

  5. By adding milk to the chocolate.



  1. --- __________ (not smoke) here.

  --- I‘m sorry.

  ---Can you see a sign on the wall? It means No __________ (smoke).

  2. Their father __________ (swim) very fast. Look, he __________ (swim) in the sports hall now.

  3.---Where’s my camera?

  ---It __________ (is) on the table a moment ago.

  4.__________ (do) Nancy‘s brothers usually get up at six?

  5. There are a lot of books. Please put __________ (they) into the library.

  6. ---What can I do for you?

  ---I want to have two __________ (glass) of milk.

  7. Hearing the __________ (excite) news, the students are getting __________ (excite).


  In 1834, the clock tower in London was burned down. People planned to buil d a new clock which would be the biggest and the best in the world. So the clock had to be big and keep very good time. Several years later the tower was finished. The people put the big clock in the tower, and made it ring out for the first time on July 11, 1859.

  In order to give the big clock a good name, people held a meeting. Someone wanted to call it the Queen of Bells , and someone thought Victoria was good . At last, a man named Benjamin Hall stood up. He was a big man. Before he started to speak, someone shouted, Why not call it Big Ben? Everybody laughed and agreed with him.

  From then on, Big Ben became its name. And it also became a famous building of London. People all over the world write to Big Ben. They even send bottles of oil to help keep Big Ben running. Big Ben is not only a clock but also a dear friend of people.

  ) 46. Big Ben’s birthday is __________.

  A. July 11, 1854 B. July 11, 1834

  C. July 11 1859 D. July 11, 1852

  ) 47. How did Big Ben get its name?

  A.Benjamin Hall gave it the name.

  B.Big Ben got its name because of a joke.

  C.Big Ben got its name from the Queen of the UK

  D.Victoria gave it the name.

  ) 48. Keep very good time means ___________

  A.have a good time

  B.show people the correct time.

  C.keep running

  D.be made in time

  ) 49. Which of the following is NOT true?

  A.People all over the world look upon Big Ben as their friends.

  B.People all over the world even send oil to Big Ben.

  C.People think Big Ben will reply their letters.

  D.People think Big Ben is the biggest and the best clock in the world.

  ) 50. Benjamin Hall is ___________.

  A. a man who built Big Ben

  B. a man who was always very funny

  C.the man who burnt down the old clock

  D.a man who attended the meeting which was held to make a name for the big clock



  1.Don‘t smoke, somking 解析:前半句是祈使句,变否定时加主动词do,后半句是标志的习惯译法,也可以理解为No后面加名词或名词词性的形式,即动名词形式。

  2.swims, is swimming 解析:前半句表示状态,用一般现在时,且由于主语是爸爸,用动词单三形式;后半句有look这个时间标志,用现在进行时。

  3.was 解析:最后的时间标志词,a moment ago应该用一般过去时。

  4.Do 解析:主语是nancy’s brothers是复数,助动词用DO。

  5.them 解析:本题考查人称代词用法,本代词作put的宾语,用人称代词的宾格。代的是books用复数them.

  6.glasses 解析:本题考查不可数名词表个体时,要用单位名词,在表示复数时将单位名词变复数。

  7.exciting, excited 解析:exciting指(物或事件)让人觉得兴奋;excited指(人)兴奋的。


  1.C 解析:本题从第一段最后一句便可得知答案。

  2.B 解析:本题从第二段最后一句可推断出答案。

  3.B 解析:本题是推断意思的题目,是阅读理解题中的难点。这类推断短语意思的题目要通读划线部分整句及前后一句基本上就可以得出答案。前一句提到人们希望这个钟应该是‘biggest and the best’,这与后文的.句子是对应的。Big对应biggest, Keep very good time与the best对应。对clock而言,the best就应该是时间很准,所以选B。这类题目一般都直接看不出意思,要通过上下文判断。

  4.C 解析:本题为判断正误题,而且选的是错误的选项,应该把每个选项都看过,逐一排除。文中提到人们写信给big Ben但并没提到人们希望能收到回信,所以C选项错误。

  5.D 解析:本题通过通读二三段可得出答案。