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大学英语作文300字3篇 大学优秀英语作文300字

2024-05-14 17:51:06综合

大学英语作文300字3篇 大学优秀英语作文300字

  下面是范文网小编收集的大学英语作文300字3篇 大学优秀英语作文300字,欢迎参阅。

大学英语作文300字3篇 大学优秀英语作文300字


  i’m eager to go to college because i know there’s much to learn about the world and human beings. knowledge is a source of pleasure for me. equipped with more knowledge, i can make a contribution to our country. what’s more, college education can prepare me for a better future. in my opinion, better education means better jobs, better opportunities and better choices. last but not least, the reason why i want to go to college is that my parents and those who love me will be happy, if i can study at a nice university. i don’t want to let them down so i’ll do what i can to realize ly hream.


  Recently, some cities are considering 主题词, which has raised people's concern.

  Some people say that 观点一. And 继续阐述观点一. For example, 此处可举一个常见的例子,更具有说服力. However, some others are opposed to the idea. They argue that 观点二. Besides, there are 继续阐述观点二 , for example, 举与观点二相关的例子.

  As far as I am concerned, I'm against the 不赞同的观点. because 原因, and 原因. I believe we should 做法. I think we all have responsibility to....


  as the water frothed,

  and the sun did go,

  the dark brought forth a tear,

  i sat up high,

  upon my rock,

  no one would see me here.

  when all is lost,

  i stare alas,

  and listen to the oceans prayer,

  you must listen close,

  her words are soft,

  yet, they are always there.

  she knows how you pain,

  when the light is gone,

  and the dark tells you lies,

  she says to you,

  that no matter what,

  the sun will always rise.

  and when it comes,

  it pierces the horizon,

  showing the dark no fear,

  for the light comes every day,

  each morning,

  to dry up that fallen tear.