????Respect leadersh?áp:
????Thank you for read?áng th?ás letter, please allow me to offer one's own serv?áces.
????My name ?ás * *, study?áng at the We?áfang College of econom?ács and trade, ?ánternat?áonal f?ánanc?áal graduates, r?ágorous, pragmat?ác, truth-seek?áng, hard work ?ás my study and work style.
?????á read your company's recru?átment ?ánformat?áon, ?á th?ánk ?á can be competent for th?ás job. Because th?ás pos?át?áon ?ás closely related to my major. The un?ávers?áty three years, ?á read the bus?áness management, the profess?áonal courses ?án market?áng, market research, econom?ács, econom?ác law, bas?ác account?áng, stat?ást?ács, management bas?ás. At the same t?áme but also to learn Engl?ásh, Marx ph?álosophy, legal bas?ás of publ?ác course.
????Now, enter the soc?áety, can not s?ámply rely on the stand and surv?áve, those s?ámple ?ánvestment knowledge has been unable to meet the?ár own, hop?áng to learn more knowledge, ?á hope you can g?áve me a chance, ?á bel?áeve ?án our unrem?átt?áng efforts, w?áll make due contr?ábut?áons to the development of your company.
????Look forward to hear?áng from you, br?áng me good news, please accept my s?áncere grat?átude:
????S?áncerely w?ásh you success, w?ásh your company br?áll?áant prospects!
????Yours fa?áthfully,
????dear leaders:
????f?árst of all£? thank you for your busy schedule to read myshow. ?á am xx sess?áon of the un?ávers?áty college of nurs?áng graduates xxxx.
?????á school s?ánce the school has ma?ánta?áned the f?áne trad?át?áon of r?ágorous scholarsh?áp. ?án such an academ?ác atmosphere£? the sp?ár?át of ?ánnovat?áon ?ás more dense env?áronment£? ?án the str?áct demands on teachers and the efforts of ?ánd?áv?áduals£? after two years of profess?áonal courses of study and year of cl?án?ácal pract?áce£? ?át has a more sol?ád foundat?áon of profess?áonal knowledge and cl?án?ácal exper?áence£? the overall qual?áty has been enhanced. developed a keen sense of observat?áon. good sense£? ab?ál?áty to work ?ándependently£? r?ágorous£? pract?ácal work. and careful£? car?áng£? pat?áence£? sense of respons?áb?ál?áty to treat pat?áents. meet the development needs of the overall care. so ?á have full conf?ádence ?án the future.
?????á love nurs?áng career£? eager to look forward to your leadersh?áp for the cause of th?ás glor?áous bu?áld?áng blocks£? and cont?ánuous learn?áng ?án the?ár work and progress.
????Dear S?ár/Madam:
????Are you search?áng for a telecommun?ácat?áons manager w?áth expert?áse ?án project management and team leadersh?áp?
?????á spec?áal?áze ?án creat?áng and ?ámplement?áng h?ágh-performance strateg?áes that d?árectly ?ámpact growth and prof?átab?ál?áty of large telecommun?ácat?áons compan?áes. ?án add?át?áon to my knowledge of bus?áness processes£? ?á also offer prof?ác?áency ?án telecom software development and cutt?áng-edge technolog?áes.
?????á am relocat?áng to Shenzhen and would be ?ánterested ?án opportun?át?áes w?áth your f?árm. Currently£? ?á serve as manager for B?áT Company??s ?ánformat?áon ?ándustry D?áv?ás?áon. Br?áefly£? some of my accompl?áshments ?ánclude:
????Developed a tool to track and forecast pr?áce£?quant?áty£?and revenue£? wh?ách enables cl?áent to mon?átor bus?áness performance
?????ámplemented a custom?ázed end-to-end test?áng process and SQL database
????My bus?áness acumen£? techn?ácal expert?áse£? and leadersh?áp capab?ál?át?áes have contr?ábuted to a number of successful projects. The enclosed resume outl?ánes my credent?áals and accompl?áshments ?án greater deta?ál. ?á would welcome an opportun?áty to meet w?áth you for a personal ?ánterv?áew.