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2023-06-18 10:30:04发言致辞




ted如何选择演讲稿 篇1









改变自己ted演讲稿 篇2









ted演讲稿健康饮食 篇3














告别拖延症演讲稿通用 篇4









拖延症演讲稿 篇5











  U=EV/ID 战拖=信心*价值/冲动*回报延迟



杨澜ted演讲稿 篇6



  The night before I was heading for Scotland, I was invited to host the final of “china’s Got Talent” show in Shanghai with the 80,000 live audience in the who was the performing guest? Susan I told her, “I’m going to Scotland the next day.” She sang beautifully, and she even managed to say a few words in chinese.[chinese] So it’s not like “hello” or “thank you,” that ordinary means “green onion for free.” Why did she say that? Because it was a line from our chinese parallel Susan Boyle--a 50-some year-old woman, a vegetable vendor in Shanghai, who loves


  singing Western opera, but she didn’t understand any English or French or Italian, so she managed to fill in the lyrics with vegetable names in chinese.(Laughter)And the last sentence of Neun Dorma that she was singing in the stadium was “green onion for free.” So [as] Susan Boyle was saying that, 80,000 live audience sang was hilarious.来苏格兰(做TED讲演)的前夜,我被邀请去上海做”中国达人秀“决赛的评委。在装有八万现场观众的演播厅里,在台上的表演嘉宾居然是(来自苏格兰的,因参加英国达人秀走红的)苏珊大妈(Susan Boyle)。我告诉她,“我明天就要启程去苏格兰。” 她唱得很动听,还对观众说了几句中文,她并没有说简单的”你好“或者”谢谢“,她说的是——“送你葱”。为什么?这句话其实于中国版的“苏珊大妈”——一位五十岁的以卖菜为生,却对西方歌剧有出奇爱好的上海中--


  年妇女(蔡洪平)。这位中国的苏珊大妈并不懂英文,法语或意大利文,所以她将歌剧中的词汇都换做中文中的蔬菜名,并且演唱出来。在她口中,歌剧《图兰朵》的最后一句便是“Song Ni cong”。当真正的英国苏珊大妈唱出这一句“中文的”《图兰朵》时,全场的八万观众也一起高声歌唱,场面的确有些滑稽。

  so I gue both Susan Boyle and this vegetable vendor in Shanghai belonged to were the least expected to be succeful in the busine called entertainment, yet their courage and talent brought them a show and a platform gave them the stage to realize their , being different is not that are all different from different I think being different is good, because you present a different point of may have the chance to make a difference.我想Susan Boyle和这位上海的买--



  my generation has been very fortunate to witne and participate in the historic transformation of china that has made so many changes in the past 20, 30 remember that in the year of 1990, when I was graduating from college, I was applying for a job in the sales department of the first five-star hotel in Beijing, Great Wall Sheraton--it’s still after being interrogated by this Japanese manager for a half an hour, he finally said, “So, mi Yang, do you have any questions to ask me?” I summoned my--


  courage and poise and said, “Yes, but could you let me know, what actually do you sell?” I didn’t have a clue what a sales department was about in a five-star was the first day I set my foot in a five-star hotel.我这一代中国人很幸运的目睹并且参与了中国在过去二三十年中经历的巨变。我记得1990年,当我刚大学毕业时,我申请了当时北京的第一家五星级酒店——长城喜来登酒店的销售部门的工作。这家酒店现在仍在北京。当我被一位日本籍经理面试了一个半小时之后,他问到,“杨小姐,你有什么想问我的吗?”,我屏住呼吸,问道“是的,你能告诉我,具体我需要销售些什么吗?” 当时的我,对五星级酒店的销售部门没有任何概念,事实上,那是我第一次进到一家五星级酒店。

  Around the same time, I was going through an audition--the first ever open audition by national television in china----


  with another thousand college producer told us they were looking for some sweet, innocent and beautiful fresh when it was my turn, I stood up and said, “Why [do] women’s personalities on television always have to be beautiful, sweet, innocent and, you know, supportive? Why can’t they have their own ideas and their own voice?” I thought I kind of offended actually, they were impreed by my so I was in the second round of competition, and then the third and the seven rounds of competition, I was the last one to survive I was on a national television prime-time believe it or not, that was the first show on chinese television that allowed its hosts to speak out of their own minds without reading an approved script.(Applause)And my weekly audience at that time was between 200 to 300 million--



  well after a few years, I decided to go to the and columbia University to--


  pursue my postgraduate studies, and then started my own media company, which was unthought of during the years that I started my we do a lot of ’ve interviewed more than a thousand people in the sometimes I have young people approaching me say, “Lan, you changed my life,” and I feel proud of then we are also so fortunate to witne the transformation of the whole was in Beijing’s bidding for the olympic was representing the Shanghai saw china embracing the world and vice then sometimes I’m thinking, what are today’s young generation up to? How are they different, and what are the differences they are going to make to shape the future of china, or at large, the world?




  so today I want to talk about young people through the platform of social of all, who are they? [What] do they look like? Well this is a girl called Guo meimei--20 years old, showed off her expensive bags, clothes and car on her microblog, which is the chinese version of she claimed to be the general manager of Red cro at the chamber of--


   didn’t realize that she stepped on a sensitive nerve and aroused national questioning, almost a turmoil, against the credibility of Red controversy was so heated that the Red cro had to open a pre conference to clarify it, and the investigation is going on.我想通过社交媒体来谈一谈中国的年轻人们。首先,他们是谁,他们是什么样子?这是一位叫郭美美的女孩儿,20岁,年轻漂亮。她在中国版的Twitter上——新浪微博上,炫耀她所拥有的奢侈品,衣服,包和车。她甚至宣称她是中国红十字会的工作人员。她没有意识到她的行为触及了中国民众极为敏感的神经,这引发了一场全民大讨论,民众开始质疑红十字会的公信力。中国红十字会为了平息这场争议甚至举办了一场记者会来澄清,直至今日,对于”郭美美事件“的调查仍在继续。

  so far, as of today, we know that she herself made up that title--probably--


  because she feels proud to be aociated with those expensive items were given to her as gifts by her boyfriend, who used to be a board member in a subdivision of Red cro at chamber of ’s very complicated to anyway, the public still doesn’t buy is still shows us a general mistrust of government or government-backed institutions, which lacked transparency in the also it showed us the power and the impact of social media as microblog.时至今日,我们所知道的事实是,她谎报了她的头衔,可能是因为她的虚荣心,希望把自己和慈善机构联系起来。所有那些奢侈品都是她的男朋友给她买的,而那位”男朋友





  microblog boomed in the year of 2016, with visitors doubled and time spent on it tripled., a major news portal, alone has more than 140 million Tencent, 200 most popular blogger--it’s not me--it’s a movie star, and she has more than million followers, or 80 percent of those microbloggers are young people, under 30 years because, as you know, the traditional media is still heavily controlled by the government, social media offers an opening to let the steam out a little because you don’t have many other openings, the heat coming out of this opening is sometimes very strong, active and even violent.微博在2016年得到了爆炸性的增长,微博的访问用户增长了一倍,用户的访问时间是09年的三倍。新浪(),一--






  so through microblogging, we are able to understand chinese youth even how are they different? First of all, most of them were born in the 80s and 90s, under the one-child because of selected abortion by families who favored boys to girls, now we have ended up with 30 million more young men than could pose a potential danger to the society, but who knows;we’re in a globalized world, so--


  They can look for girlfriends from other of them have fairly good illiteracy rate in china among this generation is under one cities, 80 percent of kids go to they are facing an aging china with a population above 65 years old coming up with seven-point-some percent this year, and about to be 15 percent by the year of you know we have the tradition that younger generations support the elders financially, and taking care of them when they’re it means young couples will have to support four parents who have a life expectancy of 73 years old.通过微博,我们可以更好的了解到中国的年轻一代。首先,他们中的大多数都出生在八零九零年代,在独生子女的生育政策的大背景下长大。因为偏好男孩的家庭会选择性的堕胎,现在(中国)的年轻男性的数量多过年轻女性三千--



  so making a living is not that easy for young graduates are not in short urban areas, college graduates find the starting salary is about 400 dollars a month, while the average rent is above $ what do they do? They have to share space--squeezed in very limited space to save money--and they call themselves “tribe of ants.” And for those who are ready to get married--


  And buy their apartment, they figured out they have to work for 30 to 40 years to afford their first ratio in America would only cost a couple five years to earn, but in china it’s 30 to 40 years with the skyrocketing real estate price.所以对于年轻人而言,生活并不是容易。本科毕业生也不在是紧缺资源。在城市中,本科生的月起薪通常是400美元(2500人民币),而公寓的平均月租金却是500美元。所以他们的解决方式是合租——挤在有限的空间中以节省开支,他们叫自己”蚁族。“ 对于那些准备好结婚并希望购买一套公寓的中国年轻夫妇而言,他们发现他们必须要不间断的工作30到40年才可以负担得起一套公寓。对于同样的美国年轻夫妇而言,他们只需要五年时间。

  Among the 200 million migrant workers, 60 percent of them are young find themselves sort of--


  sandwiched between the urban areas and the rural of them don’t want to go back to the countryside, but they don’t have the sense of work for longer hours with le income, le social they’re more vulnerable to job loes, subject to inflation, tightening loans from banks, appreciation of the renminbi, or decline of demand from Europe or America for the products they year, though, an appalling incident in a southern oEm manufacturing compound in china: 13 young workers in their late teens and early 20s committed suicide, just one by one like causing a contagious they died because of all different personal this whole incident aroused a huge outcry from society about the isolation, both physical and mental, of these migrant workers.在近两亿的涌入城市的农民工中,--



  For those who do return back to the countryside, they find themselves very welcome locally, because with the knowledge, skills and networks they have learned in the cities, with the aistance of the Internet, they’re able to create more jobs, upgrade local agriculture and create--


  new busine in the le developed for the past few years, the coastal areas, they found themselves in a shortage of labor.对于那些回到农村的年轻人,他们所经历的城市生活,所学到的知识,技巧和建立的社会络,让他们通常更受欢迎。特别是在互联的帮助下,他们更有可能获得工作,提升农村的农业水平和发展新的商业机会。在过去的一些年中,一些沿海的城镇甚至出现了劳动力短缺。

  These diagrams show a more general social first one is the Engels coefficient, which explains that the cost of daily neceities has dropped its percentage all through the past decade, in terms of family income, to about 37-some then in the last two years, it goes up again to 39 percent, indicating a rising living Gini coefficient has already paed the--


  dangerous line of Now it’s--even worse than that in America--showing us the income so you see this whole society getting frustrated about losing some of its also, the bitterne and even resentment towards the rich and the powerful is quite any accusations of corruption or backdoor dealings between authorities or busine would arouse a social outcry or even unrest.这些图片展现出整体的社会背景。第一张图片是恩格斯系数(食品支出占总消费支出的比例),可以看到在过去的十年中,食物和生活必需品在家庭消费中的比例有所下降(37%),然后在过去的两年中,这项指数上升到39%,说明近两年中生活成本的攀升。基尼系数早已越过了危险的,到达——这甚至高过了美国——体现出极大的贫富差距,所以我们才看到整个社会的失衡。同时,“仇富心态”也开始在整个社会蔓延,任何与--



  so through some of the hottest topics on microblogging, we can see what young people care most justice and government accountability runs the first in what they the past decade or so, a maive urbanization and development have let us witne a lot of reports on the forced demolition of private it has aroused huge anger and frustration among our young people get killed, and sometimes people set themselves on fire to when these incidents are reported more and more frequently on the Internet, people cry for the government to take actions to stop this.通过微博上很火的话题,我们可以看到年轻人的关注点。社会公正和政府的公信力是他们首要需求的。在过去的十年中,急速的城市化让民众读到太多--



  so the good news is that earlier this year, the state council paed a new regulation on house requisition and demolition and paed the right to order forced demolition from local governments to the , many other iues concerning public safety is a hot topic on the heard about polluted air, polluted water, poisoned gue what, we have faked have sorts of ingredients that you brush on a piece of chicken or fish, and it turns it to look like then lately, people are very concerned about cooking oil, because thousands of people have been found [refining] cooking oil from--


  restaurant all these things have aroused a huge outcry from the fortunately, we have seen the government responding more timely and also more frequently to the public concerns.好消息是,今年早些时候,人民代表大会通过了一项关于房屋征用和拆迁的新法规,将征用和拆迁的权利从当地政府移交到了法庭。相同的,很多其他与公共安全相关的问题也在互联上被热烈讨论。我们听到有太多空气污染,水污染,有毒食品的报道。你甚至都想不到,我们还有假牛肉。人们用一种特殊的材料加入鸡肉和鱼肉中,然后以牛肉的价格进行出售。最近,人们对食用油也很担忧,大量的餐馆被发现在使用“地沟油“。所有这些事件引发了互联上民众观点的大爆发。幸运的是,我们看到了政府正在更积极和更及时的对这些民众的质疑给予回应。

  while young people seem to be very--


  sure about their participation in public policy-making, but sometimes they’re a little bit lost in terms of what they want for their personal is soon to pa the as the number one market for luxury brands--that’s not including the chinese expenditures in Europe and you know what, half of those consumers are earning a salary below 2,000 ’re not rich at ’re taking those bags and clothes as a sense of identity and social this is a girl explicitly saying on a TV dating show that she would rather cry in a BmW than smile on a of course, we do have young people who would still prefer to smile, whether in a BmW or [on] a bicycle.一方面,年轻人越来越积极的参与到公共事务中;另一方面,他们也在寻找或者说迷失与个人生活的价值和定位。中国很快就要超过美国,成为世界上第--



  so in the next picture, you see a very popular phenomenon called “naked” wedding, or “naked” does not mean they will wear nothing in the wedding, but it shows that these young couples are ready to get married without a house, without a car, without a diamond ring and without a wedding banquet, to show their commitment to true also, people are doing good through social the first picture showed us that a truck caging 500 homele and--


  kidnapped dogs for food proceing was spotted and stopped on the highway with the whole country watching through were donating money, dog food and offering volunteer work to stop that after hours of negotiation, 500 dogs were here also people are helping to find miing father posted his son’s picture onto the thousands of [unclear], the child was found, and we witneed the reunion of the family through microblogging.在下一幅图中,你看到的是现在非常流行的”裸婚“,这并不代表这“裸露出席婚礼”,这体现的是年轻人愿意接受结婚不买房,不买车,不买钻戒,甚至不办婚宴的这个现实,作为对纯朴的真爱的致敬。但同时,人们也在通过社交媒体做一些善事。这副图片里,这辆车上装有500只被”绑架“来,准备被送去屠宰的狗,这辆车被友们发现后,人们开--



  so happine is the most popular word we have heard through the past two is not only related to personal experiences and personal values, but also, it’s about the are thinking about the following questions: Are we going to sacrifice our environment further to produce higher GDP? How are we going to perform our social and political reform to keep pace with economic growth, to keep sustainability and stability? And also, how capable is the system of self-correctne to keep more people--


  content with all sorts of friction going on at the same time? I gue these are the questions people are going to our younger generation are going to transform this country while at the same time being transformed themselves.“幸福(感)”是近两年中国的流行词汇。幸福感不仅仅与个人体验和价值观相关,更多的,它与环境息息相关。人们在思考:我们是否要牺牲环境来提升GDP?我们要怎样进行社会和政治体制的改革来应对经济的发展,保持稳定性和可持续性发展?同时,这个系统的自我修正能力是否足够强大,是否能够让生活在其中的人民接受在前进过程中的各种压力和困难?我想这些都是中国人民需要回答的问题,而中国的年轻一代将在改变这个国家的过程中也改变自己。

  Thank you very much.非常感谢。


ted演讲稿 篇7

  简介:残奥会短跑冠军aimee mullins天生没有腓骨,从小就要学习靠义肢走路和奔跑。如今,她不仅是短跑选手、演员、模特,还是一位稳健的演讲者。她不喜欢字典中 “disabled”这个词,因为负面词汇足以毁掉一个人。但是,坦然面对不幸,你会发现等待你的是更多的机会。

  id like to share with you a discovery that i made a few months ago while writing an article for italian wired. i always keep my thesaurus handy whenever im writing anything, but id already finished editing the piece, and i realized that i had never once in my life looked up the word “disabled” to see what id find.

  let me read you the entry. “disabled, adjective: crippled, helpless, useless, wrecked, stalled, maimed, wounded, mangled, lame, mutilated, run-down, worn-out, weakened, impotent, castrated, paralyzed, handicapped, senile, decrepit, laid-up, done-up, done-for, done-in cracked-up, counted-out; see also hurt, useless and weak. antonyms, healthy, strong, capable.” i was reading this list out loud to a friend and at first was laughing, it was so ludicrous, but id just gotten past “mangled,” and my voice broke, and i had to stop and collect myself from the emotional shock and impact that the assault from these words unleashed.

  you know, of course, this is my raggedy old thesaurus so im thinking this must be an ancient print date, right? but, in fact, the print date was the early 1980s, when i would have been starting primary school and forming an understanding of myself outside the family unit and as related to the other kids and the world around me. and, needless to say, thank god i wasnt using a thesaurus back then. i mean, from this entry, it would seem that i was born into a world that perceived someone like me to have nothing positive whatsoever going for them, when in fact, today im celebrated for the opportunities and adventures my life has procured.

  so, i immediately went to look up the online edition, epecting to find a revision worth noting. heres the updated version of this entry. unfortunately, its not much better. i find the last two words under “near antonyms,” particularly unsettling: “whole” and “wholesome.”

  so, its not just about the words. its what we believe about people when we name them with these words. its about the values behind the words, and how we construct those values. our language affects our thinking and how we view the world and how we view other people. in fact, many ancient societies, including the greeks and the romans, believed that to utter a curse verbally was so powerful, because to say the thing out loud brought it into eistence. so, what reality do we want to call into eistence: a person who is limited, or a person whos empowered? by casually doing something as simple as naming a person, a child, we might be putting lids and casting shadows on their power. wouldnt we want to open doors for them instead?

  one such person who opened doors for me was my childhood doctor at the dupont institute in wilmington, delaware. his name was dr. pizzutillo, an italian american, whose name, apparently, was too difficult for most americans to pronounce, so he went by dr. p. and dr. p always wore really colorful bow ties and had the very perfect disposition to work with children.

  i loved almost everything about my time spent at this hospital, with the eception of my physical therapy sessions. i had to do what seemed like innumerable repetitions of eercises with these thick, elastic bands -- different colors, you know -- to help build up my leg muscles, and i hated these bands more than anything -- i hated them, had names for them. i hated them. and, you know, i was already bargaining, as a five year-old child, with dr. p to try to get out of doing these eercises, unsuccessfully, of course. and, one day, he came in to my session -- ehaustive and unforgiving, these sessions -- and he said to me, “wow. aimee, you are such a strong and powerful little girl, i think youre going to break one of those bands. when you do break it, im going to give you a hundred bucks.”

  now, of course, this was a simple ploy on dr. ps part to get me to do the eercises i didnt want to do before the prospect of being the richest five-year-old in the second floor ward, but what he effectively did for me was reshape an awful daily occurrence into a new and promising eperience for me. and i have to wonder today to what etent his vision and his declaration of me as a strong and powerful little girl shaped my own view of myself as an inherently strong, powerful and athletic person well into the future.

  this is an eample of how adults in positions of power can ignite the power of a child. but, in the previous instances of those thesaurus entries, our language isnt allowing us to evolve into the reality that we would all want, the possibility of an individual to see themselves as capable. our language hasnt caught up with the changes in our society, many of which have been brought about by technology. certainly, from a medical standpoint, my legs, laser surgery for vision impairment, titanium knees and hip replacements for aging bodies that are allowing people to more fully engage with their abilities, and move beyond the limits that nature has imposed on them -- not to mention social networking platforms allow people to self-identify, to claim their own descriptions of themselves, so they can go align with global groups of their own choosing. so, perhaps technology is revealing more clearly to us now what has always been a truth: that everyone has something rare and powerful to offer our society, and that the human ability to adapt is our greatest asset.

  the human ability to adapt, its an interesting thing, because people have continually wanted to talk to me about overcoming adversity, and im going to make an admission: this phrase never sat right with me, and i always felt uneasy trying to answer peoples questions about it, and i think im starting to figure out why. implicit in this phrase of “overcoming adversity” is the idea that success, or happiness, is about emerging on the other side of a challenging eperience unscathed or unmarked by the eperience, as if my successes in life have come about from an ability to sidestep or circumnavigate the presumed pitfalls of a life with prosthetics, or what other people perceive as my disability. but, in fact, we are changed. we are marked, of course, by a challenge, whether physically, emotionally or both. and im going to suggest that this is a good thing. adversity isnt an obstacle that we need to get around in order to resume living our life. its part of our life. and i tend to think of it like my shadow. sometimes i see a lot of it, sometimes theres very little, but its always with me. and, certainly, im not trying to diminish the impact, the weight, of a persons struggle.

  there is adversity and challenge in life, and its all very real and relative to every single person, but the question isnt whether or not youre going to meet adversity, but how youre going to meet it. so, our responsibility is not simply shielding those we care for from adversity, but preparing them to meet it well. and we do a disservice to our kids when we make them feel that theyre not equipped to adapt. theres an important difference and distinction between the objective medical fact of my being an amputee and the subjective societal opinion of whether or not im disabled. and, truthfully, the only real and consistent disability ive had to confront is the world ever thinking that i could be described by those definitions.

  in our desire to protect those we care about by giving them the cold, hard truth about their medical prognosis, or, indeed, a prognosis on the epected quality of their life, we have to make sure that we dont put the first brick in a wall that will actually disable someone. perhaps the eisting model of only looking at what is broken in you and how do we fi it, serves to be more disabling to the individual than the pathology itself.

  by not treating the wholeness of a person, by not acknowledging their potency, we are creating another ill on top of whatever natural struggle they might have. we are effectively grading someones worth to our community. so we need to see through the pathology and into the range of human capability. and, most importantly, theres a partnership between those perceived deficiencies and our greatest creative ability. so its not about devaluing, or negating, these more trying times as something we want to avoid or sweep under the rug, but instead to find those opportunities wrapped in the adversity. so maybe the idea i want to put out there is not so much overcoming adversity as it is opening ourselves up to it, embracing it, grappling with it, to use a wrestling term, maybe even dancing with it. and, perhaps, if we see adversity as natural, consistent and useful, were less burdened by the presence of it.

  this year we celebrate the 200th birthday of charles darwin, and it was 150 years ago, when writing about evolution, that darwin illustrated, i think, a truth about the human character. to paraphrase: its not the strongest of the species that survives, nor is it the most intelligent that survives; it is the one that is most adaptable to change. conflict is the genesis of creation. from darwins work, amongst others, we can recognize that the human ability to survive and flourish is driven by the struggle of the human spirit through conflict into transformation. so, again, transformation, adaptation, is our greatest human skill. and, perhaps, until were tested, we dont know what were made of. maybe thats what adversity gives us: a sense of self, a sense of our own power. so, we can give ourselves a gift. we can re-imagine adversity as something more than just tough times. maybe we can see it as change. adversity is just change that we havent adapted ourselves to yet.

  i think the greatest adversity that weve created for ourselves is this idea of normalcy. now, whos normal? theres no normal. theres common, theres typical. theres no normal, and would you want to meet that poor, beige person if they eisted? (laughter) i dont think so. if we can change this paradigm from one of achieving normalcy to one of possibility -- or potency, to be even a little bit more dangerous -- we can release the power of so many more children, and invite them to engage their rare and valuable abilities with the community.

  anthropologists tell us that the one thing we as humans have always required of our community members is to be of use, to be able to contribute. theres evidence that neanderthals, 60,000 years ago, carried their elderly and those with serious physical injury, and perhaps its because the life eperience of survival of these people proved of value to the community. they didnt view these people as broken and useless; they were seen as rare and valuable.

  a few years ago, i was in a food market in the town where i grew up in that red zone in northeastern pennsylvania, and i was standing over a bushel of tomatoes. it was summertime: i had shorts on. i hear this guy, his voice behind me say, “well, if it isnt aimee mullins.” and i turn around, and its this older man. i have no idea who he is.

  and i said, “im sorry, sir, have we met? i dont remember meeting you.”

  he said, “well, you wouldnt remember meeting me. i mean, when we met i was delivering you from your mothers womb.” (laughter) oh, that guy. and, but of course, actually, it did click.

  this man was dr. kean, a man that i had only known about through my mothers stories of that day, because, of course, typical fashion, i arrived late for my birthday by two weeks. and so my mothers prenatal physician had gone on vacation, so the man who delivered me was a complete stranger to my parents. and, because i was born without the fibula bones, and had feet turned in, and a few toes in this foot and a few toes in that, he had to be the bearer -- this stranger had to be the bearer of bad news.

  he said to me, “i had to give this prognosis to your parents that you would never walk, and you would never have the kind of mobility that other kids have or any kind of life of independence, and youve been making liar out of me ever since.” (laughter) (applause)

  the etraordinary thing is that he said he had saved newspaper clippings throughout my whole childhood, whether winning a second grade spelling bee, marching with the girl scouts, you know, the halloween parade, winning my college scholarship, or any of my sports victories, and he was using it, and integrating it into teaching resident students, med students from hahnemann medical school and hershey medical school. and he called this part of the course the factor, the potential of the human will. no prognosis can account for how powerful this could be as a determinant in the quality of someones life. and dr. kean went on to tell me, he said, “in my eperience, unless repeatedly told otherwise, and even if given a modicum of support, if left to their own devices, a child will achieve.”

  see, dr. kean made that shift in thinking. he understood that theres a difference between the medical condition and what someone might do with it. and theres been a shift in my thinking over time, in that, if you had asked me at 15 years old, if i would have traded prosthetics for flesh-and-bone legs, i wouldnt have hesitated for a second. i aspired to that kind of normalcy back then. but if you ask me today, im not so sure. and its because of the eperiences ive had with them, not in spite of the eperiences ive had with them. and perhaps this shift in me has happened because ive been eposed to more people who have opened doors for me than those who have put lids and cast shadows on me.

  see, all you really need is one person to show you the epiphany of your own power, and youre off. if you can hand somebody the key to their own power -- the human spirit is so receptive -- if you can do that and open a door for someone at a crucial moment, you are educating them in the best sense. youre teaching them to open doors for themselves. in fact, the eact meaning of the word “educate” comes from the root word “educe.” it means “to bring forth what is within, to bring out potential.” so again, which potential do we want to bring out?

  there was a case study done in 1960s britain, when they were moving from grammar schools to comprehensive schools. its called the streaming trials. we call it “tracking” here in the states. its separating students from a, b, c, d and so on. and the “a students” get the tougher curriculum, the best teachers, etc. well, they took, over a three-month period, d-level students, gave them as, told them they were “as,” told them they were bright, and at the end of this three-month period, they were performing at a-level.

  and, of course, the heartbreaking, flip side of this study, is that they took the “a students” and told them they were “ds.” and thats what happened at the end of that three-month period. those who were still around in school, besides the people who had dropped out. a crucial part of this case study was that the teachers were duped too. the teachers didnt know a switch had been made. they were simply told, “these are the a-students, these are the d-students.” and thats how they went about teaching them and treating them.

  so, i think that the only true disability is a crushed spirit, a spirit thats been crushed doesnt have hope, it doesnt see beauty, it no longer has our natural, childlike curiosity and our innate ability to imagine. if instead, we can bolster a human spirit to keep hope, to see beauty in themselves and others, to be curious and imaginative, then we are truly using our power well. when a spirit has those qualities, we are able to create new realities and new ways of being.

  id like to leave you with a poem by a fourteenth-century persian poet named hafiz that my friend, jacques dembois told me about, and the poem is called “the god who only knows four words”: “every child has known god, not the god of names, not the god of donts, but the god who only knows four words and keeps repeating them, saying, come dance with me. come, dance with me. come, dance with me.”

  thank you. (applause)

ted英文演讲稿 篇8

  我知道你们在想什么,你们觉得我迷路了,马上就会有人走上台温和地把我带回我的座位上。(掌声)。我在迪拜总会遇上这种事。“来这里度假的吗,亲爱的?”(笑声)“来探望孩子的吗?这次要待多久呢? 恩,事实上,我希望能再待久一点。我在波斯湾这边生活和教书已经超过30年了。(掌声)这段时间里,我看到了很多变化。现在这份数据是挺吓人的,而我今天要和你们说的是有关语言的消失和英语的全球化。我想和你们谈谈我的朋友,她在阿布达比教成人英语。在一个晴朗的日子里,她决定带她的学生到花园去教他们一些大自然的词汇。但最后却变成是她在学习所有当地植物在阿拉伯语中是怎么说的。还有这些植物是如何被用作药材,化妆品,烹饪,香草。这些学生是怎么得到这些知识的呢?当然是从他们的祖父母,甚至曾祖父母那里得来的。不需要我来告诉你们能够跨代沟通是多么重要。but sadly, today, languages are dying at an unprecedented language dies every 14 , at the same time, english is the undisputed global there be a connection? well i dont i do know that ive seen a lot of i first came out to the gulf, i came to kuwait in the days when it was still a hardship , not that long is a little bit too neverthele, i was recruited by the british council along with about 25 other we were the first non-muslims to teach in the state schools there in were brought to teach english because the government wanted to modernize the country and empower the citizens through of course, the from some of that lovely oil wealth.但遗憾的是,今天很多语言正在以前所未有的速度消失。每14天就有一种语言消失,而与此同时,英语却无庸置疑地成为全球性的语言。这其中有关联吗?我不知道。但我知道的是,我见证过许多改变。初次来到海湾地区时,我去了科威特。当时教英文仍然是个困难的工作。其实,没有那么久啦,这有点太久以前了。总之,我和其他25位老师一起被英国文化协会聘用。我们是第一批非穆斯林的老师,在科威特的国立学校任教。我们被派到那里教英语,是因为当地政府希望国家可以现代化并透过教育提升公民的水平。当然,英国也能得到些好处,产油国可是很有钱的。 this is the major change that ive seen--how teaching english has morphed from being a mutually english-speaking nation on why not? after all, the best education--according to the latest world university rankings--is to be found in the universities of the the everybody wants to have an english education, if youre not a native speaker, you have to pa a test.言归正传,我见过最大的改变,就是英语教学的蜕变如何从一个互惠互利的行为变成今天这种大规模的国际产业。英语不再是学校课程里的外语学科,也不再只是英国的专利。英语(教学)已经成为所有英语系国家追逐的潮流。何乐而不为呢?毕竟,最好的教育来自于最好的大学,而根据最新的世界大学排名,那些名列前茅的都是英国和美国的大学。所以自然每个人都想接受英语教育,但如果你不是以英文为母语,你就要通过考试。now can it be right to reject a student on linguistic ability well, i dont think english teachers reject them all the put a stop sign, and we stop them in their cant pursue their dream any longer, till they get let me put it this way, if i met a dutch speaker who had the cure for cancer, would i stop him from entering my british university? i dont think indeed, that is exactly what we english teachers are the you have to satisfy us first that your english is good it can be dangerous to give too much power to a narrow segment of the barrier would be too universal.但仅凭语言能力就拒绝学生这样对吗?譬如如果你碰到一位天才计算机科学家,但他会需要有和律师一样的语言能力吗?我不这么认为。但身为英语老师的我们,却总是拒绝他们。我们处处设限,将学生挡在路上,使他们无法再追求自己的梦想,直到他们通过考试。现在容我换一个方式说,如果我遇到了一位只会说荷兰话的人,而这个人能治愈癌症,我会阻止他进入我的英国大学吗?我想不会。但事实上,我们的确在做这种事。我们这些英语老师就是把关的。你必须先让我们满意,使我们认定你的英文够好。但这可能是危险的。把太多的权力交由这么小的一群人把持,也许会令这种障碍太过普及。, i hear you say, what about the research? its all in the books are in english, the journals are done in english, but that is a feeds the english so it goes ask you, what happened to translation? if you think about the islamic golden age, there was lots of translation translated from latin and greek into arabic, into persian, and then it was translated on into the germanic languages of europe and the romance so light shone upon the dark ages of dont get me wrong;i am not against teaching english, all you english teachers out love it that we have a global need one today more than i am against using it as a we really want to end up with 600 languages and the main one being english, or chinese? we need more than do we draw the line? this system equates intelligence with a knowledge of english which is quite.于是,我听到你们问但是研究呢?研究报告都要用英文。”的确,研究论著和期刊都要用英文发表,但这只是一种理所当然的现象。有英语要求,自然就有英语供给,然后就这么循环下去。我倒想问问大家,为什么不用翻译呢?想想伊斯兰的黄金时代,当时翻译盛行,人们把拉丁文和希腊文翻译成阿拉伯文或波斯文,然后再由拉伯文或波斯文翻译为欧洲的日耳曼语言以及罗曼语言。于是文明照亮了欧洲的黑暗时代。但不要误会我的意思,我不是反对英语教学或是在座所有的英语老师。我很高兴我们有一个全球性的语言,这在今日尤为重要。但我反对用英语设立障碍。难道我们真希望世界上只剩下600种语言,其中又以英文或中文为主流吗?我们需要的不只如此。那么我们该如何拿捏呢?这个体制把智能和英语能力画上等号这是相当武断的。

  and i want to remind you that the giants upon whose shoulders todays stand did not have to have english, they didnt have to pa an english in point, , by the way, was considered remedial at school because he was, in fact, fortunately for the world, he did not have to pa an english they didnt start until 1964 with toefl, the american test of its are lots and lots of tests of millions and millions of students take these tests every you might think, you and me, those fees arent bad, theyre okay, but they are prohibitive to so many millions of poor immediately, were rejecting them.我想要提醒你们,扶持当代知识分子的这些“巨人肩膀不必非得具有英文能力,他们不需要通过英语考试。爱因斯坦就是典型的例子。顺便说一下,他在学校还曾被认为需要课外补习,因为他其实有阅读障碍。但对整个世界来说,很幸运的当时他不需要通过英语考试,因为他们直到1964年才开始使用托福。现在英语测验太泛滥了,有太多太多的英语测验,以及成千上万的学生每年都在参加这些考试。现在你会认为,你和我都这么想,这些费用不贵,价钱满合理的。但是对数百万的穷人来说,这些费用高不可攀。所以,当下我们又拒绝了他们。it brings to mind a headline i saw recently: education: the great i get it, i understand why people would focus on want to give their children the best chance in to do that, they need a western , of course, the best jobs go to people out of the western universities, that i put on a circular thing.这使我想起最近看到的一个新闻标题:“教育:大鸿沟”现在我懂了。我了解为什么大家都重视英语,因为他们希望给孩子最好的人生机会。为了达成这目的,他们需要西方教育。毕竟,不可否认,最好的工作都留给那些西方大学毕业出来的人。就像我之前说的,这是一种循环。

   me tell you a story about two scientists, two english were doing an experiment to do with genetics and the forelimbs and the hind limbs of they couldnt get the results they really didnt know what to do, until along came a german scientist who realized that they were using two words for forelimb and hind limb, whereas genetics does not differentiate and neither does bingo, problem you cant think a thought, you are if another language can think that thought, then, by cooperating, we can achieve and learn so much more.好,我跟你们说一个关于两位科学家的故事:有两位英国科学家在做一项实验,是关于遗传学的,以及动物的前、后肢。但他们无法得到他们想要的结果。他们真的不知道该怎么办,直到来了一位德国的科学家。他发现在英文里前肢和后肢是不同的二个字,但在遗传学上没有区别。在德语也是同一个字。所以,叮!问题解决了。如果你不能想到一个念头,你会卡在那里。但如果另一个语言能想到那念头,然后通过合作我们可以达成目的,也学到更多。我的女儿从科威特来到英格兰,她在阿拉伯的学校学习科学和数学。那是所阿拉伯中学。在学校里,她得把这些知识翻译成英文,而她在班上却能在这些学科上拿到最好的成绩。这告诉我们,当外籍学生来找我们,我们可能无法针对他们所知道的给予赞赏,因为那是来自于他们母语的知识。当一个语言消失时,我们不知道还有什么也会一并失去。this is--i dont know if you saw it on cnn recently--they gave the heroes award to a young kenyan shepherd boy who couldnt study at night in his village like all the village children,篇2:杨澜ted演讲稿中英文 yang lan: the generation thats remaking china the night before i was heading for scotland, i was invited to host the final of chinas got talent show in shanghai with the 80,000 live audience in the who was the performing guest?susan i told her, im going to scotland the next sang beautifully, and she even managed to say a few words in chinese.[chinese]so its not like hello or thank you, that ordinary means green onion for did she say that? because it was a line from our chinese parallel susan boyle--a 50-some year-old woman, a vegetable vendor in shanghai, who loves singing western opera, but she didnt understand any english or french or italian, so she managed to fill in the lyrics with vegetable names in chinese.(laughter)and the last sentence of neun dorma that she was singing in the stadium was green onion for [as] susan boyle was saying that, 80,000 live audience sang was i gue both susan boyle and this vegetable vendor in shanghai belonged to were the least expected to be succeful in the busine called entertainment, yet their courage and talent brought them a show and a platform gave them the stage to realize their , being different is not that are all different from different i think being different is good, because you present a different point of may have the chance to make a generation has been very fortunate to witne and participate in the historic transformation of china that has made so many changes in the past 20, 30 remember that in the year of 1990,when i was graduating from college, i was applying for a job in the sales department of the first five-star hotel in beijing, great wall sheraton--its still after being interrogated by this japanese manager for a half an hour, he finally said, so, mi yang, do you have any questions to ask me?i summoned my courage and poise and said,yes, but could you let me know, what actually do you sell? i didnt have a clue what a sales department was about in a five-star was the first day i set my foot in a five-star life, and i feel proud of then we are also so fortunate to witne the transformation of the whole was in beijings bidding for the olympic was representing the shanghai saw china embracing the world and vice then sometimes im thinking, what are todays young generation up to? how are they different, and what are the differences they are going to make to shape the future of china, or at large, the world? so making a living is not that easy for young graduates are not in short urban areas, college graduates find the starting salary is about 400 a month, while the average rent is above $ what do they do? they have to share space--squeezed in very limited space to save money--and they call themselves tribe of for those who are ready to get married and buy their apartment, they figured out they have to work for 30 to 40 years to afford their first ratio in americawould only cost a couple five years to earn, but in china its 30 to 40 years with the skyrocketing real estate through some of the hottest topics on microblogging, we can see what young people care most justice and government accountability runs the first in what they the past decade or so, a maive urbanization and development have let us witne a lot of reports on the forced demolition of private it has aroused huge anger and frustrationamong our young people get killed, and sometimes people set themselves on fire to when these incidents are reported more and more frequently on the internet,people cry for the government to take actions to stop the good news is that earlier this year, the state council paed a new regulation on house requisition and demolition and paed the right to order forced demolition from local governments to the , many other iues concerning public safety is a hot topic on the heard about polluted air, polluted water, poisoned gue what, we have faked have sorts of ingredients that you brush on a piece of chicken or fish, and it turns it to look like then lately, people are very concerned about cooking oil, because thousands of people have been found [refining] cooking oil from restaurant all these things have aroused a huge outcry from the fortunately, we have seen the government responding more timely and also more frequently to the public young people seem to be very sure about their participation in public policy-making, but sometimes theyre a little bit lost in terms of what they want for their personal is soon to pa the the number one market for luxury brands--thats not including the chinese expenditures in europe and you know what, half of those consumers are earning a salary below 2,000 u.s.re not rich at re taking those bags and clothes as a sense of identity and social this is a girl explicitly saying on a tv dating show that she would rather cry in a bmw than smile on a of course, we do have young people who would still prefer to smile, whether in a bmw or [on] a happine is the most popular word we have heard through the past two is not only related to personal experiences and personal values, but also, its about the are thinking about the following questions: are we going to sacrifice our environment further to produce higher gdp? how are we going to perform our social and political reform to keep pace with economic growth, to keep sustainability and stability? and also, how capable is the systemof self-correctne to keep more people contentwith all sorts of friction going on at the same time?i gue these are the questions people are going to our younger generation are going to transform this country while at the same time being transformed you very much.杨澜ted演讲:重塑中国的一代 中文演讲稿

  在来爱尔兰的前一晚,我应邀主持了中国达人秀在上海的体育场和八万现场观众。猜猜谁是表演嘉宾?——苏珊大妈。我告诉她,“我明天要去爱尔兰了。” 她歌声犹如天籁。而且她还可以说点中文。

“送你葱。” 这不是“你好、谢谢”之类的日常用语。这组词翻译过来是免费给你青葱,为什么她要说这个呢?因为这是我们中国版的苏珊大妈很有名的一句歌词。

  这位五十几岁的大妈在上海以贩卖蔬菜为生。她喜欢西方的歌剧,但是她不懂任何外语,所以她就把中文蔬菜名填做歌词。当她在体育场里 唱到今夜无人入眠的最后一句时,她唱的是“送你葱”。苏珊大妈和全场八万观众一起唱“送你葱”,多有意思的场面。我想苏珊大妈和这位在上海做蔬菜买卖的都属于不同寻常的人。在业界所谓的娱乐圈,他们最不可能取得成功,但是他们的勇气和才华让他们成功了。一场秀,一个平台给了他们实现梦想的舞台。与众不同不难,从不同的角度看我们都是不一样的。我认为与众不同是好的,因为你有不同的看法,这给你机会去产生不同的影响。我们这代人有幸见证和参与了过去二三十年中国的历史性的转型。







  今天我想讲讲在社交媒体这个大舞台上的年轻人 matt cutts ted中英文对照双语演讲稿 try something new for 30 days 小计划帮你实现大目标

——google工程师matt cutts在ted的励志演讲稿 a few years ago, i felt like i was stuck in a rut, so i decided to follow in the footsteps of the great american philosopher, morgan spurlock, and try something new for 30 idea is actually pretty about something you’ve always wanted to add to your life and try it for the next 30 turns out, 30 days is just about the right amount of time to add a new habit or subtract a habit—like watching the news—from your life.几年前,我感觉对老一套感到枯燥乏味,所以我决定追随伟大的美国哲学家摩根·斯普尔洛克的脚步,尝试做新事情30天。这个想法的确是非常简单。考虑下,你常想在你生命中做的一些事情 接下来30天尝试做这些。这就是,30天刚好是这么一段合适的时间 去养成一个新的习惯或者改掉一个习惯——例如看新闻——在你生活中。当我在30天做这些挑战性事情时,我学到以下一些事。第一件事是,取代了飞逝而过易被遗忘的岁月的是 这段时间非常的更加令人难忘。挑战的一部分是要一个月内每天我要去拍摄一张照片。我清楚地记得那一天我所处的位置我都在干什么。我也注意到随着我开始做更多的,更难的30天里具有挑战性的事时,我自信心也增强了。我从一个台式计算机宅男极客变成了一个爱骑自行车去工作的人——为了玩乐。甚至去年,我完成了在非洲最高山峰乞力马扎罗山的远足。在我开始这30天做挑战性的事之前我从来没有这样热爱冒险过。

  我也认识到如果你真想一些槽糕透顶的事,你可以在30天里做这些事。你曾想写小说吗?每年11月,数以万计的人们在30天里,从零起点尝试写他们自己的5万字小说。这结果就是,你所要去做的事就是每天写1667个字要写一个月。所以我做到了。顺便说一下,秘密在于除非在一天里你已经写完了1667个字,要不你就甭想睡觉。你可能被剥夺睡眠,但你将会完成你的小说。那么我写的书会是下一部伟大的美国小说吗?不是的。我在一个月内写完它。它看上去太可怕了。但在我的余生,如果我在一个ted聚会上遇见约翰·霍奇曼,我不必开口说,“我是一个电脑科学家。”不,不会的,如果我愿意我可以说,“我是一个小说家。” so here’s one last thing i’d like to menti learned that when i made small, sustainable changes, things i could keep doing, they were more likely to ’s nothing wrong with big, crazy fact, they’re a ton of they’re le likely to i gave up sugar for 30 days, day 31 looked like this.我这儿想提的最后一件事。当我做些小的、持续性的变化,我可以不断尝试做的事时,我学到我可以把它们更容易地坚持做下来。这和又大又疯狂的具有挑战性的事情无关。事实上,它们的乐趣无穷。但是,它们就不太可能坚持做下来。当我在30天里拒绝吃糖果,31天后看上去就像这样。so here’s my question to you: what are you waiting for? i guarantee you the next 30 days are going to pa whether you like it or not, so why not think about something you have always wanted to try and give it a shot for the next 30 days.所以我给大家提的问题是:大家还在等什么呀?我保准大家在未来的30天定会经历你喜欢或者不喜欢的事,那么为什么不考虑一些你常想做的尝试并在未来30天里试试给自己一个机会。thanks.谢谢。matt cutts简介: matt cutts是google所有工程师中最广为人知的一个,因为他几乎每天都在自己的blog上面和读者们分享与google相关的一切信息,包括技术与非技术类。matt写的文章深入浅出,简明易懂,实用价值很高,因此他在互联网上具有相当高的名气。简言之,matt cutts是google的anti-spam之王。
