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英语主持开场白3篇 万能英语主持开场白中英对照

2023-03-28 16:15:08综合

英语主持开场白3篇 万能英语主持开场白中英对照

  下面是范文网小编分享的英语主持开场白3篇 万能英语主持开场白中英对照,以供参考。

英语主持开场白3篇 万能英语主持开场白中英对照




  单:dear leaders ,teachers ,colleagues ,good morning!


  单:time flies ,the youth are bloom here.时光荏苒,青春在这里绽放。

  单:as time goes by ,our dream are still bright.岁月更迭,梦想依旧灿烂。

  单:the situation now is full of beauties ,sweet and paion.此情此景是美好的,是温馨的,是充满激情的。

  合:we get ’s enjoy the fun.我们相聚在这里,让响彻云霄的快乐在这里汇成为欢乐的海洋。

  单:we are very honored to host this party, our colleagues prepared some splendid programs.我们非常荣幸,组织了这场汇报演出,我们的同事精心准备了一些极好的节目。单:everybody, are you ready?and then,let the party begin.大家做好准备了吗?让我们开始演出吧。


  单:how time flies ,we have finished the three-month study,all precious moments will be

  remembered forever,now, let’s go for the vcr to search for the valuable memeries.眨眼间,三个月的学习生活已结束,所有的瞬间都在此刻定格,于是便有了我们独有的回忆,下面就让我们在vcr中去回味,感悟最美好的曾经。


  单:give more thanks to gongxiannan and the vcr,we will show our strong

’s invite dongguoqing declain a poetryi think i can


  诵《i think i can》

  单:have you ever seen our study achivements?please allow us to continue our learning , we will watch a scene play.大家是否看到了我们的学习成果了呢?让我们继续我们的学习秀吧。下面我们将看到一出情景


  单:as we all know,love is the most beautiful thing in our love we are willing

  to devote our love we are wlling to stay away from , let’s enjoy an english songoh,susanna



  单:thank you for bringing us a lively ,let’s watch a fierce negotiation.感谢我的同事们,为我们带来了一首欢快的歌曲。下面我们将欣赏到一场激烈的商务谈判。单:....let’s enjoy an amazing kongfu show from wanggang.。。。

  单:terrific!chinese kongfu is full of you been excited?

  太精彩了!中国功夫充满了神奇色彩。它有没有令你兴奋呢? most of us probably heard the song of 吻别,today zhangzhanjie will bring us the

  english version,take me to you heart


  单:do you remember the kongfu show?you can’t imagine such a tough guy also has a artistic

,let’s recite a poem written by wanggang.大家还记得刚才的武术表演吧?那你一定想象不到,那样的一个硬汉也有着非常文艺的一面。



  单:today is the end of the past,what we need to remember is the happine that we shared together.今天是过去的终结,我们需要记住的是今天一起分享的快乐。

  单:today is the begining of a new day,what we need to prepared is to embrace the new day with our paion.今天是未来生活的开始,我们需要信奉的是我们对新生活的激情。

  合:let’s remember today, let’s look forward tomorrow.让我们铭记今天,让我们展望未来!

  单:ladies and gentlemen, our party is coming to the again for your coming.女士们先生们,我们的演出到此结束。再次感谢大家今天的光临。



  女生: ladies and gentlemen.男生: boys andgirls。

  合: 大家早上好.(鞠躬)

  女: today is an important is a happy day.男:今天是一个特别的日子,今天是一个激动人心的日子.女: welcome to our english english ,enjoy life.男:欢迎来参加我们的英语联欢会,享受英语,享受生活。

  女:let’s enjoyourdance 首先让我们欣赏小组唱 1、《fivelittle duck》 五只小鸭子。

  男:大家掌声欢迎!2、女: fathermother teachersi love you!

  男: 爸爸,妈妈还有老师,我们爱你,你们带给我们的太多太多,我们无语言谢,就让我们用一首诗歌来表达我们的感激之情请欣赏诗朗诵《感恩》 抽奖环节


  接下来请杨晨为我们演唱具有雪域风情的《哦,香格里拉》 4、男:我 是 i ii,你是 you you you(边走边念)女:你在念什么呀?听起来朗朗上口的。


  5、男: 看完之后是不是觉得学英语好 easy 呢? 其实同学们只要认真学习,你也将会是爸爸妈妈的骄傲!请欣赏小组唱5、《为你而自豪》。《proudofyou》

  抽奖 6、男:很早很早以前有这么一个故事:有一天,5只小鸭子离家出走了,妈妈可着急了,历尽千辛万苦地出去找他们的孩子,不知道后来有没有找到,现在让我们一起欣赏四年级小朋友带来的小组唱五只小鸦子《five little ducks》 7女:哈哈,鸭妈妈终于找到了五只小鸭子,真让人高兴下面让我们感受一下富有活力的《街舞》表演

  8、女:wonderfull 他们的表演真是太精彩了!现在准备上场的是低年级小朋友,他们表演的是《英语字母歌》


  9、女:英文的歌曲活泼俏皮,中文歌曲也独具特色。let’s enjoy the song!女:下面请陈佳铭为我们献上《七子之歌》 10、男:同学们今天的表现真是太棒了!

  女:是呀!台下的小演员也跃跃欲试了!请欣赏情景剧《简单的英语》easy 、男:哇!very beautiful!

  女: 漂亮 ?snowwhite 更漂亮呢!

  男:《 白雪公主》

  女:yes!让我们用热烈的掌声欢迎英语话剧组为我们表演话剧12《白雪公主》 抽奖 12、女:哇,very good.就是皇后太坏了!

  男:是啊,但我们的老师就不一样了,在宿舍里她就像是我们可亲的妈妈,请欣赏 《苹果树》《 apple tree》

  女:enjoy english ,enjoy life.男:享受英语,享受生活

  男: let’s thank english ,we won’t forget today.女: let’s remember today forever.合: 感谢英语,我们将永远铭记今天,让今天成为永恒。女:下面我宣布:小学部首届英语文艺汇演到此结束!女:感谢各位领导、各位家长、各位来宾的关心和厚爱。男:感谢为筹备这次晚会的所有老师们,你们辛苦了!女:thank you!



  开场:(萌)good morning ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the english talent competition held by foreign language ?m the host zhou meng.(叶)i? m ye hai yan.(常)i?m chang wei.(青)i? m zhang qing

(叶)english is a door, through which we may walk closer to succe.(常)english is a window ,out of which we can see a colourful life.(女1)english is a mirror, in which we can find both others and ourselves.(青)as we all know, english is becoming increasingly popular around the world..(女2)exactly ?s why we held the show hope more and more students will join us in english learning, and find the pleasure in english learning.(青)today, we divided all the contestants into three groups: drama group, singing group and speech most exciting point is that every group will only produce one champion.(萌)before we get our show started, please allow me to introduce our honorable are____________________.(常)thanks for your it?s my turn to introduce all the distinguished leaders and guests.接下来请允许我介绍一下今晚到场的领导和嘉宾,他们分别是____________________.thanks for your all-out support of this competition and thanks for your coming as well.(叶)before we begin our show, i?d like to invite our dean, profeor chen to give us a speech up on the ?s 英本7班 夏开伟***《challenge for chance》(陈)today, all the contestants from speech group will talk about “challenge” in their prepared speech,and then answer the judges? question in their impromptu speech.(常)every contestant will be judged on the content and persuasivene of their speeches as well as their intonation pronunciation and fluency in speaking english.(陈)since we are clear now, why not invite the first contestant to deliver his just can?t wait.(常)okay,ladies and gentlemen ,please put your hands together to welcome our first speech contestant 夏开伟,from grade 2 cla !!

  嘉宾表演:印度舞 李姮烨《纱丽》

(陈)indian people are famous for their hospitalities and talents in dancing.(常)yes ,indian dance always gives us an visual impact and let ?s want to join the dancers.(陈)now ladies and gentlemen please take a rest and enjoy an indian group dance.(常)let?s welcome all the dancers from art group of with this special 11英本3班 吴星霖***《梁祝》

(陈)liangzhu is a very famous story in chinese people think it?s a romantic story because the two

  lovers in the story became two butterflies when they died,and they can fly together forever.(常)while others hold the opinion that this is a tragedy because after experiencing so many setbacks and obstacles , they finally can?t be together.(陈)yes, different people have different can find a lots of different versions on the internet.(常)today, the students from grade 1 cla 3 will stage this clacial ?s their understanding of liangzhu, let?s wait and 英本8班 詹文娜***《if i were a boy》(陈)i bet everyone here knows who is beyonce.(常)of is an american recording artist, actre and fashion songs always appears on the third album earned her six grammys in one night.(陈)she is a genuine contestant 詹文娜 will perform beyonce ?s “if i were a boy” on the stage.(常)wow ,that ? s a big i think she can make it.(陈)let?s warmly welcome詹文娜 from grade 2 cla 8 with the song if i were a 英本3班 袁 沙***《are you ready for the challenge》

(常)陈翼,you know i have been with this competition for three times, gue what, i simply haven?t had it enough.(陈)i gue that?s why you?re here again for this year?s for me , this is the very first time to host such a big is a big challenge for me.(常)i think you did a good job challenges are everywhere, we should remind ourselves to get ready at any moment.(陈)now , let?s welcome袁 沙 from grade 3 cla3 with her speech 《are you ready for the challenge》 09英本6班 肖 彤***《when you are gone》(陈)robert, i want to know who is your favorite singer ?

(常)i like avril because of her powerful ?s contagious ,everytime ,when i listen to her music, i can?t help singing together with the radio.(陈)wow..i think you are the most lucky guy today,cause 肖彤from grade 3 cla 6 will perform her song “when you are gone”on the stage.(常):what a big let?s welcome the last contestant with the song when you are gone.颁奖:

(常)ladies and gentlemen, up to now , all our contestants have shown their wonderful performances it?s time for the award ceremony

(叶)here in my hand is the final results of each means the most exciting moment is coming.(叶)first we will announce the final result of speech group: the honorable mention belongs to _________________ the third prize winner is _________________________

  the second prize winner is _________________________ the first prize winner is _________________________(常)here comes the final result of singing honorable mention belongs to _________________ the third prize winner is _________________________ the second prize winner is _________________________ the first prize winner is _________________________(叶)now we will award the prize for drama honorable mention belongs to _________________ the third prize winner is _________________________ the second prize winner is _________________________ the first prize winner is _________________________ congratulations to all the well done.结尾:

  萌:time is always too short for those who rejoice, and finally it is time to say good-bye

  叶:every end means a brand new forward to the following semester, we are full of hope.双:though the competition is about to end, we shall never cease the aspiration toword knowledge.张: we wish our department will bring up more talents and create more achievements

  we wish all the distinguished guests, teachers, schoolmates happine!

  陈:let’s cherish tonight ’s keep tonight in our heart forever!

  常:ladies and gentlemen ,that’s the end of tonight’s competition, good night.(合)see you next year!



  男:Good afternoon,everyone,my honored teachers and my fellow students. 女:We’re very honored to be the host for today's party this morning to give the English party for everybody.

  合:Thank you for coming to this great party

  男:First of all, please allow us to introduce ourselves, I’m____


  男:In today’s contestants(选手)will join this the contest, for each student, you can take it easy to give your after your speech, our teacher will make a conclusion for our performance.女:You’d better give out your own topic clearly,and you may as well make a brief introduction of yourselves,so that our teacher can make marks for us easily.男:Ok, hope we can exchange experiences of how to learn English better from it. 女:And we believe that these experiences will be very useful for us. 男: So we hope we'll all make good use of this opportunity.

  合:Believe yourself and just hold it!

  女:Ok, now, let's warmly welcome our respectful teacher ……

  男:Thanks for ’s , I gue each of us can't wait to see our contestants' performances, right? Ok, time for show.女:First, let’s warmly welcome our first student________ topic is“________________________”and contestant _________ get ready please.。


  男:No matter where you are, no matter how you are, present or absents, We tried, we experienced, and we know that, We admire you.女:well,how exciting today the contest is!but now, I am afraid that the clock is against us, So I think our party has come to an you for your attention, You have been a very attentive audience,合: Thank you!everybody

  男: let's warmly welcome our respectful teacher to make a conclusion for our party.















































