简单搞笑的英语小笑话 英语小笑话简单3篇(英语小笑话简单又短)
下面是范文网小编收集的简单搞笑的英语小笑话 英语小笑话简单3篇(英语小笑话简单又短),供大家参阅。
MY musical director wasn't happy with the performance of one of our percuesionists.Repeated attempts to get the drummer to improve failed. Finally,in front of the orchostra, the director said in frustration, “When a musician lust can't handle his instrument,they take it away, give him two sticks and make him a drummerl “A whisper was heard from the percussion section:"And if he can't handle that,they take away one of his sticks and make him a conductor."
When I moved to California, I was a nervous wreck about earthquakes. MY friend Lisa, who was born and raised there, was completely blase. I remember once when we pulled up to a light, her Honda began to shake.She looked worried untill stammered,"I think that we-re having anearth quake.”"Thank goodrx}ss,"Linda said.I thought something was wrong with my car."
One of my friends,a musician,is always upboat. Nothing gets her down. But when she developed ringing in one sar, 1 was concerned it might overwhelm even her. When I asked if her condition was especially annoying to a musician, she shook her head. "Not really,”she said cheerfully. "The ringing sound is in the key of B flat,so I use it to tune my Cello a hatf-tone lower."