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一个月怎样备考托福听力3篇 如何一个月提升托福听力

2022-10-02 12:21:00综合

一个月怎样备考托福听力3篇 如何一个月提升托福听力

  下面是范文网小编整理的一个月怎样备考托福听力3篇 如何一个月提升托福听力,以供借鉴。

一个月怎样备考托福听力3篇 如何一个月提升托福听力








-TPO对应词汇  校内工作,课外活动  及寻找经济援助:  Letterof reference/recommendation  Competitive  Benefitfuture career  Fieldresearch  Collectdata for papers  Waiter,waitress,Babysitter  Workat the library  Qualification资格,qualified 合格的  Resume,CV  financialaid经济援助  ScholarshipFellowship  Teachingassistantship 助教奖学金  Researchassistantship 研究奖学金  Grant助学金  Loan 贷款  Need-based以需求为基础  Merit-based以优秀为基础  Studentunion 学生会  Clubs俱乐部  Membership成员资格  Careerservice  Lecture 1  

  自然科学类。讲矮行星是如何形成的,与行星的区别。一个是ejection theory,跟gravity的原因有关。第二个就是吸收的material无法发光,屏幕给了这两个theory的名词提醒。  -


-参考背景  Sufficient internal pressure, caused by the body's gravitation, will turn abody plastic, andsufficient plasticity will allow high elevations to sink and hollows to fillin, a process known as gravitational relaxation. Bodies smaller than a fewkilometers are dominated by non-gravitational forces and tend to have anirregular shape. The Saturnian moon Methone, at around 3 km in diameter, is a roundedbut tidally elongated egg-shape. Larger objects, where gravitation issignificant but not dominant, are "potato" shaped; the more massivethe body is, the higher its internal pressure and the more rounded its shape,until the pressure is sufficient to overcome its internal compressive strength and it achieves hydrostatic equilibrium. At this point a body is as round as it is possible to be, given itsrotation and tidal effects, and is an ellipsoid in shape. This is the defining limit of a dwarf planet.  

  When an object is in hydrostatic equilibrium, a global layer of liquidcovering its surface would form a liquid surface of the same shape as the body,apart from small-scale surface features such as craters and fissures. If thebody does not rotate, it will be a sphere, but the faster it does rotate, themore oblate or even scalene it becomes. However, if such a rotating body were to be heated until itmelted, its overall shape would not change when liquid. The extreme example ofa non-spherical body in hydrostatic equilibrium is Haumea, whichis twice as long along its major axis as it is at the poles. If the body has amassive nearby companion, then tidal forces come into effect as well,distorting it into a prolate spheroid. An example of this is Jupiter's moon Io, which is the most volcanically active bodyin the Solar System due to effects of tidal heating. Tidal forces also cause a body's rotationto gradually become tidally locked, such that it always presents the same faceto its companion. An extreme example of this is the Pluto–Charon system, whereboth bodies are tidally locked to each other. Earth's Moon is also tidally locked, as are many satellites of the gas giants.


  Conversation 1


  内容回忆:学生和管理材料部的管理员,女孩宿舍灯泡坏了想取新的。讲到自己在准备雕塑展,不知道怎么应该更加有趣,管理员提示他可以用一些不同的材料,女孩打算用一些 chess club 回收用的材料

  Conversation 2


  内容回忆:艺术类学生去请教教授关于课上的一个名词 encaustic 蜡画,自己喜欢的画家也是用这种,说自己很感兴趣也想了解这种技术。教授介绍了这种技术,说她可以来听课详细了解。

  Lecture 1



  内容回忆:乌鸦喝水引申出的研究动物行为的一系列实验,通过观察乌鸦使用tools 的情况来表明动物的 intelligence。

  Lecture 2



  内容回忆:建筑风格变得更加 realistic,随着新型材料的出现,新型高建筑风格的开启,但一些人们不能理解 lookdown。后来在芝加哥的一个建筑使得人们改变了看法。

  Lecture 3



  内容回忆: 两个人类群落文化之间的联系、先讲了地理位置.然后说如今发现的证据主要是语言、文字上的。

  Lecture 4



  内容回忆:来就让学生说了一段银河的判别分类标准,然后教授介绍了一个通过如今高级望远镜观察到的 M104?银河,它的特征不符合任何一种分类标准,但也不是 margin。最后教授说这展开就是科学,需要不断更正。
