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2022-08-28 08:01:00综合





  121. substantiate / substantial / substance

  substantiate: To substantiate a statement or a story means to supply evidence which proves that it is true. (FORMAL)

  substantial: Substantial means large in amount or degree. (FORMAL)

  122. rebuke / rebuff

  rebuke: If you rebuke someone, you speak severely to them because they have said or done something that you do not approve of. (FORMAL)(责骂)

  rebuff: If you rebuff someone or rebuff a suggestion that they make, you refuse to do what they suggest.

  123. scatter / spatter

  spatter: If a liquid spatters a surface or you spatter a liquid over a surface, drops of the liquid fall on an area of the surface.

  124. tether / feather

  tether: If you say that you are at the end of your tether, you mean that you are so worried, tired, and unhappy because of your problems that you feel you cannot cope.

  to ruffle someone's feathers means to cause them to become very angry, nervous, or upset.

  125. meander / demeanor

  demeanor: Your demeanor is the way you behave, which gives people an impression of your character and feelings. (FORMAL)

  126. myopia / myriad

  myopia: Myopia is the inability to see things properly when they are far away, because there is something wrong with your eyes. (FORMAL)( =short-sightedness)

  myriad: Myriad means having a large number or great variety.

  127. disposition / predisposition

  disposition: Someone's disposition is the way that they tend to behave or feel.(=nature)

  A disposition to do something is a willingness to do it. (FORMAL)(=inclination)

  predisposition: If you have a predisposition to behave in a particular way, you tend to behave like that because of the kind of person that you are or the attitudes that you have. (FORMAL)

  128. accede / cede / recede / access

  Accede: If you accede to someone's request, you do what they ask.(FORMAL)

  recede: If something recedes from you, it moves away.

  129. congenial / congenital / genial /genesis

  congenial: A congenial person, place, or environment is pleasant.(FORMAL)

  congenital: A congenital characteristic or feature in a person is so strong that you cannot imagine it ever changing, although there may seem to be no reason for it.(= incorrigible)

  genial: Someone who is genial is kind and friendly.

  genesis: The genesis of something is its beginning, birth, or creation.(FORMAL)

  130. figment / pigment

  figment: If you say that something is a figment of someone's imagination, you mean that it does not really exist and that they are just imagining it.

  pigment: A pigment is a substance that gives something a particular color.(FORMAL)


  391. forge / forage / gorge / disgorge

  forge: 1. to form (as metal) by heating and hammering v.锻造

  2. to make or imitate falsely especially with intent to defraud


  forage: food for animals especially when taken by browsing or grazing


  gorge: 1. throat; stomach,belly n.咽喉;胃

  2. to eat large amounts of food v.使吃饱

  disgorge: 1. to discharge by the throat and mouth v.吐出

  2. to give up on request or under pressure v.被迫交出

  392. flaccid / flappy / flippant

  flaccid: lacking strength or force adj.软弱的

  flappy: flapping or tending to flap adj.飞扬的

  flippant: lacking proper respect or seriousness adj.轻率的,没礼貌的

  393. fallow / hallow / hollow / callow / harrow

  fallow:to plow, harrow, and break up (land) without seeding to destroy

  weeds and conserve soil moisture v.使土地休耕

  hallow: to respect greatly v.使神圣

  hollow: having nothing inside adj.中空的

  callow: used to describe a young person who does not have much

  experience and does not know how to behave the way adults

  behave adj. 年轻而无经验的

  harrow: a cultivating implement set with spikes, spring teeth, or disks

  And used primarily for pulverizing and smoothing the soil n.耙

  394. prod / plod

  prod:1. to thrust a pointed instrument into v. 刺,戳

  2. to urge someone on v.刺激

  plod: 1. to work laboriously and monotonously v.辛勤工作

  2. to walk heavily or slowly v.沉重地走

  395. infatuate / infuriate

  infatuate: 1.to cause to be foolish v.使糊涂

  2. to inspire with a foolish or extravagant love or admiration


  infuriate:to make someone very angry v.使狂怒

  396. lapse / relapse / collapse

  lapse:to become no longer effective or valid v.失效

  relapse: 1.to become ill again after a period of improvement in health


  2. to return to a bad condition, form of behavior, etc. v.故态复萌

  collapse: to break apart and fall down suddenly v.倒塌,瓦解

  397. lull / loll / lurk / lurch

  lull: to cause to sleep or rest v.平息,减弱

  loll: to act or move in a lax, lazy, or indolent manner v.懒洋洋地倚靠

  lurk: to be in a hidden place v.潜伏,潜藏

  lurch: to make a sudden, unsteady movement forward or sideways


  398. laudatory / adulatory

  laudatory: of, relating to, or expressing praise adj.赞美的

  Adulatory: excessive or slavish admiration or flattery adj.阿谀的,奉承的

  399. machination / mechanism / mechanic

  machination: a scheming or crafty action or artful design intended to

  Accomplish some usually evil end n.阴谋,诡计

  mechanism: a process, technique, or system for achieving a result


  mechanic: of or relating to manual work or skill n.技工,机修工

  400. crutch / notch / stitch

  crutch: to support on crutches v.用拐杖支撑

  notch: 1.a slit made to serve as a record n.刻痕

  2. to achieve or get something v.得到

  stitch: to join something with stitches v.缝,缝合

  401. oblique / obloquy

  oblique:1. not stated directly adj.不光明正大的

  2. neither perpendicular nor parallel adj.斜的

  obloquy: 1. harsh or critical statements about someone n.毁谤,谩骂

  2. the condition of someone who lost the respect of other

  people v.耻辱

  402. prone / prune

  prone: having a tendency or inclination adj.有…倾向的,易于…的

  prune: to reduce something by removing parts that are not necessary or

  wanted v.修剪,剪除

  403. civility / proclivity

  civility: polite, reasonable, and respectful behavior n.礼貌,礼仪

  proclivity: an inclination or predisposition toward something n.倾向

  404. purvey / purview

  purvey: to supply usually as a matter of business v.供给,供应

  purview: an area within which someone or something has authority,

  influence, or knowledge n.视野,范围

  405. stunt / stunning

  stunt: 1.to hinder the normal growth, development, or progress of


  2. an unusual or difficult feat requiring great skill or daring n.噱头

  stunning:1. very surprising or shocking adj.令人吃惊的

  2. very beautiful or pleasing adj.极好的

  406. slur / blur / spur / demur

  slur: 1. to disparage v.诋毁

  2. to make indistinct v. 使模糊

  blur: 1.to make something unclear or difficult to see or remember


  2. a smear or stain that obscures n.污迹

  spur: to encourage someone to do or achieve something v.鼓励,刺激

  demur: to disagree politely with another person’s statement or

  suggestion v.反对,提出异议

  407. scrupulous / scurrilous

  scrupulous: very careful about doing something correctly


  scurrilous: using or given to coarse language adj.说话粗鄙恶劣的

  408. slake / slack

  slake: to subside v.平息,减弱

  slack: 1. not stretched or held in a tight position adj.松弛的

  2. doing something poorly because you are not putting enough

  care or effort into it adj.疏忽的,不在意的

  409. grudge / trudge / drudge / nudge

  grudge: 1.to be unwilling to give or admit v. 不情愿做

  2. to dislike or feel angry toward someone for something v.怨恨

  trudge: to walk or march steadily and usually laboriously


  drudge: to force to do hard, menial, or monotonous work v.强迫做苦工

  nudge: 1.to touch or push gently v.轻推

  2. to encourage someone to do something v.鼓励

  3. to give a nudge v.唠叨


  411. venial / venal / menial

  venial: (of a sin or mistake)not serious and therefore able to be forgiven


  venal: capable of being bought or obtained for money or other valuable

  consideration adj.贪污的,贿赂的

  menial: used to describe boring or unpleasant work that does not

  require special skill and usually does not pay much money


  412. terse / verse

  terse: brief and direct in a way that may seem rude or unfriendly


  verse n.诗,诗篇

  413. adorn / adore

  Adorn: to enhance the appearance of especially with beautiful objects


  Adore: to love or admire someone very much v.爱慕

  414. fabulous / nebulous

  fabulous: 1.wonderful and marvelous adj.极好的

  2.not real, told about in a story adj.寓言中的,传说的

  nebulous:1. not clear, difficult to see adj.朦胧的

  2. of, relating to, or resembling a nebula adj. 星云的,星云状的

  415. vestige / vertigo

  vestige:the last small part that remains of something that existed before


  vertigo: a feeling of dizziness caused especially by being in a very high

  place n.晕头转向

  416. disguise / disgust

  disguise: to change the customary dress or appearance of v.伪装,掩饰

  disgust: to cause to have a strong feeling of dislike for something

  especially because it has a very unpleasant appearance, taste,

  smell. etc. v.厌恶

  417. abstain / detain / obtain / retain

  Abstain: 1.to choose not to use a vote,either in favor of or against

  something v.弃权

  2. to refrain deliberately and often with an effort of self-denial

  from an action or practice v.自制,克制

  detain:1. to officially prevent from leaving a place v.拘留

  2. to restrain especially from proceeding v.耽搁

  obtain: to gain or get something usually by effort v.获得

  retain: to keep in a position, job. etc. v.保持,保留

  418. antidote / anecdote

  Antidote: a substance that stops the harmful effects of a poison n.解药

  Anecdote: a usually short narrative of an interesting, amusing, or

  biographical incident n.奇闻,轶事

  419. fluster / cluster

  fluster: to make nervous and confused v.使慌张

  cluster: a group of things or people that are close together n.群;簇;丛

  420. peek / peak / peevish

  peek: 1.to look at someone or something secretly especially from a

  hidden place v.偷看,窥视

  2. a brief look n.一瞥

  peak: something that looks like a pointed top of a mountain n.顶峰

  peevish: feeling or showing irritation adj.易怒的,暴躁的