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abitof的四种用法3篇 abitof和alittleof区别

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abitof的四种用法3篇 abitof和alittleof区别

  下面是范文网小编收集的abitof的四种用法3篇 abitof和alittleof区别,供大家品鉴。

abitof的四种用法3篇 abitof和alittleof区别


  1. a bit有点儿

  用法:a bit通常修饰形容词或者动词。需要注意与a bit of的区别,a bit of是形容词词组,表示“少量的,少许的”,常修饰不可数名词。

  例句:Could you tell me a bit about the business your company is doing? (2013年12月四级)


  结构分析: you是主语,could tell是谓语, me是间接宾语, a bit about the business是直接宾语, your company is doing是后置定语从句,其中your company是主语,is doing是谓语(现在进行时,表示公司现在正在做的业务),the business是宾语。

  2. a moment ago刚才

  用法:a moment ago通常与一般过去时态连用,表示某个动作刚刚发生,类似的词组还有just now等。

  例句:The man who fainted in the street was sent to the hospital a moment ago.


  3. above all首先,首要的是

  用法:above all起强调作用,一般放在句首或都句中。

  例句:Above all, you should attach more significance to the well being of the children.


  4. all day and all night整日整夜的

  用法:all day and all night 多用于动词或者动词短语后,在句中作时间状语,类似的词组还有day and night(夜以继日)。

  例句:The hostess made her servant work all day and all night.




  all in all总而言之,总的来说

  例句:All in all, if you want to bring up a Mozart or Bach, the key factor is how hard you are prepared to crack the whip. (2013年6月六级)


(1) a bit 和a little 都表示“一点儿”,都可以在肯定句中修饰动词,形容词,副词和比较级,可以互换。

  例:The speaker spoke up abit/a little so as to make himself heard more cleverly.演讲者把嗓音提高了一点儿,以使别人听得更清楚。

(2)a bit 通常修饰表示令人不愉快的形容词,例如sad, silly, cold, hungry,angry, difficult, heavy, expensive等;a little 则无论褒贬都可以修饰。

  例:The song is a bit sad.这首歌有点伤感。

  Everyone seemed a little nervous. 每个人看起来都有点紧张。

(3)a bit 和a little 在否定句中的意思恰恰相反,not a bit 相当于” not at all”(一点儿也不); not a little 相当于“very(much) ” 或“extremely(很,非常)”

  例: she is not a bit tired(= she is not tired atall) 她一点也不累。

  I’m not a little tired.( I’m much tired.) 我很累。(不是一点点累,是很累.)

(4) a?little可以直接作定语修饰名词,?而a?bit则要在后面加of构成短语才能作定语?,两者都只能修饰不可数名词。

  例: There?is?a?little/a?bit?of?food?left?for?lunch.??午饭只能吃剩下的一点食品了.

  注意: 1, alittle 修饰的名词前有 the, this, that,或所有格等限定词时,也要用alittle of 的结构。

  例:This reminds me a little of those old things.这使我想起一些古老的谚语。

  2,a bit 和a little 不能用来修饰“形容词+名词”的结构。 如:不能说 a little hot weather.

(5) ?a little bit的意思是“一点点”,用法与'' a?bit”相同.



  注意: a bit of 的另外一种形式是bits of, a little 则没有这种变体。

  例:Besides this, he used parts of an old armywireless set, and some bits of wood.除此之外, 他还利用了一个旧的军用无线电发报机的一部分零件和一些木片。


  儿。 Please?hang?on?for?a?bit.?请等一会儿,不要挂断。

  总结: 1, a little =a bit = a little bit +形容词;

  2, a little = a bitof +名词。



  a bit; a little; a bit of; a little

  I. [2018 ?杭州模拟改编]-You look tired. You must have overworked yourself.

  Yes,________________. I’ve been reading the books.

  2. [2018 ?贵州安顺改编]If you want to clean a dirty bathroom mirror, try to put____________toothpaste on the mirror and wipe it dry.

  3. [2018 ?山东威海改编]The next day, I was still__________ pale and didn't have muchenergy, but I was feeling better.

  4. [2018 ?江苏连云港改编]Diana was __________fat in the past. But now she is much thinnerthan before.


  1, a little bit/a little/ a bit

  2, a bit of/ a little

  3, a bit/ a little

  4, a little/a bit/ a little bit


  有本教辅书上讲:a bit和a little是一对同义词,可以互换使用。但我最近碰到这样两个句子:

① I'm not a bit tired, so I needn't have a rest.

② Tom's mother couldn't sleep well recently. She was not a little worried about Tom's health.


  a bit和a little 在意思上非常相似,都表示“一点点,有点儿”之意。它们用作副词,表达“程度”时,修饰动词、形容词、副词、介词短语或比较级,意思相同,可以互换。例如:

  He is a bit like his father.

  He is a little like his father.


  The speaker spoke a bit louder in order to make himself heard more clearly.

  The speaker spoke a little louder in order to make himself heard more clearly.



  1. 当它们用作定语,表达“数量”时,a bit后要加of,a little 则不用。例如:

  She ate a bit of bread for lunch.

  She ate a little bread for lunch.


  2. 但是,一旦否定,not a bit 和 not a little的意思就大不一样了,甚至相反。

  not a bit 意思是“一点也不”,相当于not at all,not in the least之意。例如:

  He is not a bit like his father.他一点也不像他父亲。

  are you hungry? --- No, not a bit. 你饿了吗? 不,一点也不饿。

  She is not a bit happy.她很不开心。

  not a little意思是“非常,很”,相当于 very (much), a lot 之意。例如:

  He is not a little like his father.他很像他的父亲。

  I am not a little surprised at the news. 我对这个消息深感惊讶。

  The boy was not a little worried because he hadn't heard from her parents for a long time. 那个男孩很担心,因为好久没收到父母的来信了。


  I'm a little bit tired. Let's take a short rest. 我稍有点累了。让我们休息一会儿
