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高三英语作文优质范文4篇 英语优秀作文范文高一

2022-08-02 17:38:00综合

高三英语作文优质范文4篇 英语优秀作文范文高一

  下面是范文网小编收集的高三英语作文优质范文4篇 英语优秀作文范文高一,以供参考。

高三英语作文优质范文4篇 英语优秀作文范文高一


  The area of green was reducing in the last decades because of the profits that human being chased. Though the government has carried some policies to protect the forest and return part of the green, our environment has been still damaged badly. For example, the national treasure giant panda is dying out. One of the main factors is the lose of conservation areas. In the 1990s, people cut trees for making living, which destroyed the forest and giant panda lost their living places, so the number is falling down all the time. Spanish government advocated March 21st as the World Forest Day. They meant to call for the public to protect the forest. In deed, we need such a day to remind us of the importance of green. If we lost it, then not only animals but also human will die out.


  Recently, Two Sessions has been the hottest issue in China. The foreign media focuses their attention and keeps reporting every detail of the meeting. I am so impressed by the enthusiasm of the foreign media. The journalists makes the short conclusion of Chinese fast change and they want to explore how this country can make such big program in the short period. When foreign media interview the deputies, most of them speak fluent English. On the contrary, the foreign reporters ask the questions, they speak the good mandarin. During the last decade, more and more foreign people learn Chinese and they treat it the important language to help them find success. There is no doubt that English is the International language and Chinese is spoken by most people. These two languages will take the lead in the future.


  April Fools’ Day is on the first day of April, which is a day for people to make fun of each other. Some people figure out all the ways to play jokes, such as getting married, which surely shocks everybody. But some jokes are not acceptable, such as suicide. Some teenagers want to attract more people’s attention, so they play the joke that they feel negative about life and want to end their lives. When their friends call police and finally realize that it is a joke, they will be very angry. No matter what kind of joke we play, we should not cross the line and make others worried. The meaning of Fools’ Day is to let people feel eased from the great pressure. Playing joke is the effective way, but we must keep the rules.


  Hollywood movies take the lead in the world. They are favored by the audiences for the attractive plots and excellent stunts. As Chinese economy develops very fast and many Hollywood producers come to China to seek for cooperation. According to the research, the latest monthly box office during Spring Festival was more than ten billion RMB, which surpassed the United States and became the NO.1 market. The booming movie market in China attracts the world’s attention, so there are more and more Asian faces appearing in the Hollywood movies. The foreign producers want to gain the great profit. China is playing the important role in the world economy and its raising power proves that we are following the right policy. What’s more, this big market has been chosen by many foreign students.